Art Link is an art enrichment program, which brings art supplies, art specific trainings and volunteer artists to ASES expanded learning programs throughout San Diego County.
As art education continues to be eliminated in the traditional school day, providing art experiences in expanded learning programs allows students to engage in new and unique art activities. Art Link supports expanded learning programs in securing local artists, art materials and supplies to facilitate student created art work. Students are able to learn about art from different cultures and receive hands-on instruction in techniques of painting, photography, mosaics, and other media. Art Link promotes positive self-expression, ingenuity, problem solving, critical thinking, goal setting, and social skills. The Children’s Initiative provides art trainings for expanded learning program staff to help them develop and facilitate art curriculum and projects.
Art is displayed throughout San Diego County in places like libraries, coffee shops, assisted living facilities, government buildings and more with the intent of not only communicating to the public the value of young artists and their talent but also to show the young artists this important avenue for expressing themselves as well as a potential future career path to explore.
Art Link strives to provide a realistic approach to the business of art as a teaching tool. One of the many ways of doing this is through the actual sale of student works. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of youth art is donated back to support expanded learning programs. Professional artists are encouraged to co-sponsor venues in support of expanded learning programs. Professional artists, who display their work alongside youth art, many times commit a percent of their sales to further support the Art Link Project.

(858) 581-5880