Project Safe Neighborhood Grants
The Children’s Initiative will be seeking grant applications for the Northern District of California beginning on Monday, September 21, 2020. Focused program funding areas for the Northern District of California have been limited to:
Targeted Intervention, Prevention, Outreach, and or Reentry:
Programs and strategies that break the cycle of crime in the Tenderloin district, with particular attention to keeping youth from becoming involved in gangs and crime.
Programs and strategies focused on the reduction of violent crime and open-air drug dealing in the Tenderloin district.
Programs and strategies that serve the Tenderloin population and help improve safety.
Programs and strategies that improve and enhance interface with the community.
For additional information about the Northern District of California’s PSN, please review the program’s description and requirements.

Application Requirements
Applications must be submitted by email to Jessica Brown at and Annemarie Conroy at
Applications must include a program narrative. Proposals must meet the goals and objectives of the Northern District of California’s PSN strategy.
Applications must also include a budget detail worksheet (template provided below).
The budget detail worksheet should provide the detailed computations for each line item, listing the total cost of each and showing how it was calculated.
Allowable uses for award funds are those costs consistent with the principles set out in Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 Subpart E, and those permitted by the grant program's authorizing legislation. Costs must be reasonable, allocable, and necessary to the project.
Allowable uses of funding include:
Salary, wage and fringe benefits of individuals supporting the PSN project.
Overtime compensation of individuals supporting the PSN project.
Workshops and events associated with the support of the PSN project (pending OJP/BJA approval).
Equipment purchased to support the execution of the PSN project.
Printing, publication, and duplication of material incurred to support the PSN project.
Other Information
Applicants are encouraged to leverage other funding and existing resources already in the community.
Grantees are required to comply with grant special conditions.
For more information on the legislation that established this grant program, visit the Project Safe Neighborhoods’ website.
For more information, contact Jessica Brown, Grant Compliance Specialist/Grant Writer at