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The Children’s Initiative was founded in 1992 when five San Diego based foundations and more than 40 community and public leaders came together to form an organization that establishes innovative community solutions on behalf of our most vulnerable children and youth. The mission of the Children’s Initiative is to help San Diego’s low-income children, youth and families thrive and prosper.


The Children’s Initiative’s projects are created in response to the community’s needs by continually identifying trends in the health, safety, and education of San Diego’s children through community input and current data. The Children’s Initiative convenes diverse organizations and stakeholders, brokers creative partnerships, and leverages millions of dollars in public and private resources to ensure that relevant and high-quality programing is delivered.

Report Cards

The Report Card tells us how our children and families are faring in the domains of health, education, welfare, and economic support.
Business Meeting

Juvenile Justice

San Diego County became one of the first national sites to plan, develop and implement the United States Justice Department's office of Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention.

Scaling Reading Success

The Children's Initiative work with struggling readers in 1st through 3rd grades get the extra literacy support they need to be proficient readers.
Learning to read

Science Link

As a strategy to prepare students for higher learning through improving and broadening academic accomplishments in STEM, Science Link will bring quality hands-on activities to students.
Science Class

Expanded Learning

After School programs in San Diego County have reached new heights through the leadership and advocacy efforts of The Children's Initiative. 
Playing in Nursery

Childhood Injury Prevention

Raises awareness and educates parents, caregivers and early childhood education staff on childhood injury prevention strategies.

Art Link

The Art Link Project for after school programs connects individuals with artistic talents to partner with after school programs to share their enthusiasm, expertise, and creations.
Art Link Photo 1_edited.jpg

Positive Parenting Program

The Positive Parenting Program, The Children's Initiative, in partnership with Jewish Family Services brings positive parenting to a new level.
Cut Out Cookies

The mission of the Children’s Initiative is to help San Diego County’s low-income children, youth and families thrive and prosper.  For more than 20 years, the Children’s Initiative has served as an advocate and custodian for effective policies, programs, and services that support the education, health, safety and well-being of children and families in San Diego County.




3625 Ruffin Road Ste. 100
San Diego, CA 92123

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