Project Safe Neighborhood Grants

Application Requirements
Applications must be submitted by email to Jessica Brown at:
Applications must include a program narrative.
The program narrative must include:
Statement of the problem - Provide a clear description of the violent crime problem, including gun-and gang-related to be addressed by the proposed strategy/intervention to be funded. Describe how the strategy/intervention will address the District's current crime problem, including how the proposed strategy/intervention is aligned with and/or supports the strategies outlined in the strategic action plan (SAP). Identify the specific strategy (or strategies) to be addressed, the best practice and or research-based intervention/strategy to be implemented, and the target area of focus (place and person, as applicable). Describe opportunities for, and challenges to, current efforts to reduce violent gun and gang related crime in the target area.
Include a plan for implementing the project, and how this will support the strategies outlined in the District’s SAP. The narrative should provide a clear overview of the proposed project, including performance measure objectives and benchmarks to meet these as well as action steps to be completed and an implementation timeline.
Proposals must meet the goals and objectives of the District's PSN SAP.
Applications must include a budget detail worksheet (template provided below).
​The budget detail worksheet should provide the detailed computations for each line item, listing the total cost of each and showing how it was calculated.
Allowable uses for award funds are those costs consistent with the principles set out in Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 Subpart E, and those permitted by the grant program's authorizing legislation. Costs must be reasonable, allocable, and necessary to the project.
Allowable uses of funding include:
​Salary, wage and fringe benefits of individuals supporting the PSN project.
Overtime compensation of individuals supporting the PSN project.
Workshops and events associated with the support of the PSN project (pending OJP/BJA approval).
Equipment purchased to support the execution of the PSN project.
Printing, publication and duplication of material incurred to support the PSN project.
Other Information
A research grant shall be awarded to a research partner to evaluate the effectiveness and outcome measures of Southern California’s PSN violence reduction program.
Grants will be awarded to organizations based on locally developed proposals that incorporate the District’s approved strategic action plan (SAP).
Applicants are encouraged to leverage other funding and existing resources already in the community.
Grantees are required to comply with grant special conditions.
For more information on the legislation that established this grant program, visit the Project Safe Neighborhoods’ website.
For more information, contact Jessica Brown, Grant Compliance Specialist/Grant Writer at